HDR Plus+: Pro Camera RAWHEIF
評分 3.9 (142) · 免費 · iOS Capture brilliant HDR Photos like a pro or easily using the power of Machine Learning. Choose from JPEG exposure capturing and merging to DSLR-like RAW photos.
ProCam X ( HD Camera Pro )
ProCam X 可以將您的手機變成專業的相機,可以完全控制曝光,對焦,白平衡,ISO以及專業相機等其他功能,可以將您的手機攝影提升到一個新的水平 。 最好地捕獲照片,甚至以高分辨率錄製視頻。 *前置高清攝像頭專業人士選擇。
Pro HDR X 1.2 Free Download
A massive upgrade, Pro HDR X captures true HDR images automatically and instantly, with dramatically better results than ever before.
Introducing Pro HDR X
Pro HDR X captures true HDR images automatically and instantly, with dramatically better results than ever before.
Key Features · Instant HDR capture using three separate full-resolution exposures for maximum dynamic range · Both automatic and manual exposure mode options ...
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